Horrible Collision Pont De Baltimore Video

A shocking incident happened in the port city of Baltimore. A dramatic video captured the terrifying moment when part of the famous Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed into the Patapsco River. It was hit by a huge freight ship.
The striking footage shows the nearly 1000-foot long ship, flying the Singapore flag, violently crashing into one of the bridge’s support pillars. A few seconds later, a section of the gian metal structure thunderously collapses. Huge debris plunges into the murky waters below. All information will be available on our website at bra-news.com .

This iconic half-century-old Pont De Baltimore Video bridge could not withstand the devastating impact of the collision. The spectacular collapse was captured from multiple angles on video. It immediately brought traffic to a standstill and triggered a massive search and rescue operation.
The ship rammed into the bridge around 1:30 am. Smoke was seen billowing from its funnel before the crash. After the impact, parts of the bridge fell onto the ship’s deck. Other sections sank completely under water.
Rescue teams rushed to locate any vehicles or people who may have fallen into the river. At least two people were pulled out so far, one critically injured. Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of this catastrophic bridge failure.
A shocking incident happened in the port city of Baltimore. A huge cargo ship crashed into one of the support pillars of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. This caused part of the bridge to suddenly collapse into the Patapsco River below.
The dramatic video shows the 948-foot Singapore-flagged ship named Dali hitting the bridge pillar around 1:28 am on Tuesday morning. You can see the ship’s lights flashing and black smoke coming from its funnel just before the crash. Seconds later, the top section of the bridge plunges down into the water.
The shockwaves traveled the 1.6 mile length of the bridge in about 7 seconds. Massive chunks of the bridge fell into the churning river while other sections precariously hung above the water or on top of the ship’s deck.
A major search and rescue operation was launched to find at least 7 people who fell into the river. So far, two victims have been rescued – one in critical condition and one with minor injuries. Locals are devastated by the loss of this iconic 50-year-old bridge which was a source of pride for Baltimore.
At 1:27am on Tuesday, the Coast Guard got a warning – the cargo ship Dali had hit the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Just before the crash, the ship’s lights flickered and black smoke billowed from its funnel – signs of coming disaster.
The spectacular collapse happened at 1:28am when the 948-foot ship smashed into one of the bridge’s support pillars. Seconds later, the top section of the bridge plunged into the Patapsco River in a movie-like scene. Shockwaves traveled the 1.6 mile length of the bridge, taking around 7 seconds to fully spread out. Huge chunks of the bridge sank into the churning waters while other sections teetered precariously above the surface or came to rest on the ship’s deck.

Right away, a massive search and rescue operation launched to find at least 7 people who fell into the river. So far, two victims have been rescued – one in critical condition, the other with minor injuries. The bridge collapse, a source of Baltimore pride, deeply shook locals.
City resident Chantel DeBord mourned the loss of the historic landmark and the economic toll on the fishing industry and local businesses. Her anguish echoed a community grappling with the wreckage of this stunning catastrophe while awaiting answers on what caused this tragic incident.